We, the Servants of Mary: Friars, Enclosed nuns, religious women, members of the Secular Institutes, of the Servite Secular Order, of Lay Groups and of Lay Diaconate, gathered together in the UNIFAS Assembly, recognize that we are all members of the same Family.
Common is our vocation, rooted in baptism: to follow Christ, witness to the Gospel, and bring to fulfillment the commandment of love.
Common are our origins in the Marian inspiration of the Seven First Fathers and, through the centuries, in the inspiration of other founders and foundresses: the search for God, the following of Christ, the attention to the promptings of the Spirit, the meditation on the Word of God, the service of love to the least of our sisters and brothers, the prophesy of the Kingdom.
Common are the values that we profess: faith and hope, fraternity and communion, piety towards the Mother of God, service and mercy towards the Son of man still being crucified in His sisters and brothers.
Common is the commitment to growth in our vocation: to live the vocation of the Servants of Mary with a pledge of ongoing formation and of a joyful proposal.
Common is the pledge of our service: to serve the Church and humanity, seeking abiding inspiration from Mary at the foot of the cross; to foster communion where there is division, emphasizing a service of mercy.
This “common denominator” in life and in service creates among us, members of the Servite Family, relations of knowing, of hospitality, of communion, of fraternity, of friendship, of collaboration. The intent and effort to prolong the presence of Mary, Servant of the Lord, in the world and in the Church, sustains us, to promote our particular charism of fraternal unity and harmony in a society that needs much peace and mutual understanding.
May these be the essential characteristics of our service of evangelization on the local, national and international level.