The Servite Lay Diakonias movement began in Arezzo on September 8, 1982. It was launched by Fra Davide M. Montagna. During the following three years it evolved into a new form of evangelical life in the tradition of the Secular Order. On December 18, 1998, Fra Hubert M. Moons associated the Lay Diakonias Movement to the Servite Order and approved their Rule of Life.
The Servite Lay Diakonias is a movement made up of lay people who have taken on and share the spirituality of the Servants of Mary.
The Diakonia is a nuclear family that lives in its own house – a sort of little “house church.” To be a “house church” involves the practice of human and Christian values in one’s own home; living these values constantly and sharing them with anyone who enters or visits the house: Praise and Word, love and forgiveness, communion and sharing, hospitality and dialogue.
A Diakonia is an “open house,” open not just to friends and those who share our concerns but to the needs and demands with which life confronts us: caring for young people, helping the marginalized, solidarity with the missions and those suffering catastrophe, ecumenism and dialogue with other religions, promotion of “Justice and Peace.”
Through our domestic community we hope to be mediators between history and the Gospel, serving ceaselessly both mankind and life.
Our school of life is weekly, community Lectio Divina.
For more information contact:
Website: (in Italian)