Ordo Servorum Mariae

For reasons of security and privacy the Servite Communications Center has removed our friars personal contact id’s from the Order’s website. They are still available from the General Curia to all members of the Servite Family who ask for them. If you need the contact email id of one of our friars (those on our list) write to the following email addresses: cosmo.osm@gmail.com; segretariogen.osm@libero.it; osm.curia@gmail.com. 

Friars who want to update their email contacts or include their own email address on the Order’s list can write to the same addresses.

fra Souriraj (Souri) M. Arulananda Samy, O.S.M.

Secretary for the Centre of Communications

Casa Generalizia OSM, Piazza San Marcello, 5

00187 ROMA RM, Italia

Tel. (+39) 06 699 30.237

Fax (+39) 06 699 30 240

E-mail: cosmo.osm@gmail.com

Website: www.servidimaria.net